Thursday, April 13, 2017

Proper Form for the Russian Kettlebell Swings

Proper Kettlebell Form
Samantha from Rio Del Mar's 2016, Team Jamaica is executing the dynamic Russian kettlebell swing with a fifteen pound kettlebell (appropriate for her bodyweight and height) with perfection. The picture on the left shows the athlete in the start of the kettlebell swing, the athlete's weight is in her heels, her chest is up, her knees are bent, and the kettlebell is held with her arms in extension. The picture on the right shows the athlete at the top of the swing, with her ankles, knees, and hips in extension, and the kettlebell is swung to eye level with a tight grip and arms in extension at the top of the swing. This is a dynamic movement that builds core strength, muscular endurance, and power.

Click on the link below to learn more about the kettlebell swing.

Kids and Kettlebells: Is it Safe?